Saturday, March 21, 2009


My buddy Dave George and I decided to hit the watershed today for a longish ride.

Ride started off well, forgot some cold weather gear (a.k.a my tights) so decided to sport the rolled up jean look. I thought I looked great; but Dave thought differently.

We headed north to check out some new trails that were cut. Lots of fun and great scenery!

We climbed death march (always fun) then headed over to the new section from there. We ended up hitting it from the bottom; not as fun climbing up all the obstacles, next time we'll blast done hill instead. Dave picked the right line on this section after I dabbed:

After our break and on our way back to the cars we ran into our old friend Paul. Great guy, super nice and fun to ride with. Promised to hook up for a ride soon.

Ended up with 14 miles. Soggy mud made it seem like more; sucked the life right out of your legs. Felt great though, and as always had a blast riding with Dave.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that was fun. I also found out that we left the new trail too early; there's a bit more we can do. Next time we'll do it from the top. I did 8 more miles after you left; the trails south of Hamburg were in pretty good shape.
